domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009


1. Listening 1 from Advanced Skills, C.U.P.:"My achievements"
2. Language development:
a) demanding,soend ages, downside, remote,common-or-garden,goddies and baddies)
b) scuttle up, scamper,scurry out, startled, cling)
Homework: a)Prepare the questions: Would you like to walk on walls and celings? Why? Why not?
What other´s animal´s abilities would you find useful?
b) An article for a magazine (250/300 words):Describing a
future dream of yours.
c) Prepare Writing 1-Worksheet 1 : Why not do something less boring?
Reading - Worksheet 2 On line shopping guidelines


0. Hand out homework: Essay : An article for a magazine (250/300 words):Describing a future
dream of yours. To collect on Tuesday 21

Remind students the next debate topic is on the blog.

1. Today´s most highlighted news.
2. Tips for a good presentation
3. Tips for s good writing. Linkers. Signpost language.
4. Reading Comprehension test & Listening (FCE) (not done/ to be done on 21st,October
5. Check what students have to do with the Reading Book : Book Review
This is apart from the Reading Comprehension test( questions on the plot and vocabulary)

20th October,TUESDAY
1. Listening Comprehension Test
2 a)Prepare the questions from Language Development: What other´s animal´s abilities would
you find useful?
b) An article for a magazine (250/300 words):Describing a
future dream of yours.
c) Prepare Writing 1-Worksheet 1 : Why not do something less boring?
Reading - Worksheet 2: On line shopping guidelines.
Homework: Comment on this week´s News.
Remind students of Grammar book exercises deadline (6th November)

23rd October, Friday
Debate: to be video-recorded

1. Reading Comprehension test on line.: Television reality shows
2. Check how many students get the lesson stuff and grammar books.
3. Remind some students to hand in the essays.
4. Listening on line: Halloween

27th, October
1. Worksheet 1,2 - Reading 2 "Beware of Tecnology"
2. Listening - Worksheet 1
3. Listening " Taking risks in life?"
4. Homework: Composition:How much do people depend on New Technology nowadays? 250 or 300 words. All essays have to be sent to the teacher´s email address. And they won´t be accepted no longer than a week after.

2nd November
See the Debate video"Do people need to have alternative beliefs(30th Novemmber)
Other videos on the Net
News .Video : Horses under the big top
After the Wall fell (at home)

Remind Essays & Grammar 20th November)Tell students to do Units on Vocabulary

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