jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

QUESTIONNAIRE TO EVALUATE YOUR TEACHERhttp://www.encuestafacil.com/RespWeb/Cuestionarios.aspx?EID=338&MSJ=NO#Inicio



Every sector needs feedback from its stakeholders. And the education sector is no different. The student feedback questionnaire is an integral part of gaining feedback from the same people who make schools relevant; the students. In a culture where even the opinion of the very least in the society matters, such questionnaires are a good way of creating democratic space where students opinions too can be integrated in policy formulation. Teachers especially benefit from data gathered using such questionnaires because they are able to gauge their teaching methods and improve on some of the weak areas. Below is a sample student feedback questionnaire:
Student Feedback Questionnaire on Teachers in High School X
(Please rate your teacher as “very good”, “satisfactory”, or “unsatisfactory”)
Q1. How do you perceive your teachers knowledge? …………
Q2. How are her/his communication skills in….
Articulation …………
Q3. How would you rate the interest that the teacher generates in class? …………
Q4. How is her/his ability to incorporate course materials with other issues in order to offer you, the students a broader point of view on the subject? …………

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