viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009


Horses under the big top

This video is about the spectacle Cavalia. It’s a circus spectacle, managed by the Circus of the sun (Cirque du soleil), but very different to common circus that we’re accustimed to. It introduces a new concept of circus, a new vision of it, a mythical world where humans and horses coexist in harmony.
Horses are domesticated animals, they have been with humans 5000 years so they find themselves comfortable with people.
This spectacle has especially needs because horses need specific needs as the floor with gravel.
Horses perform 5 minutes a day and they rehearse a maximum of 30. Their communication with humans is based on gesture and some words and noises. They have 6 specific words which allow them to understand everything. The trainer needs two months getting to know a new horse and to be ready to performance between 6 months up to 10 years. This time depends on the personality of the horse, if it’s shy or nervous, strong, good temperament… In the spectacle participate 12 different breed of horses which come from different countries, in total there are sixty horses in the whole spectacle.
This spectacle changes the way we experiment circus, with the innovation of the blend of horses and acrobatics but there’s also some traditional elements as clowns and the topic acrobatic. Blanca Espinosa

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